Living Arrows 2018 #1 Always My Baby

Living Arrows 2018 #1 Always My Baby

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
Kahlil Gilbran


I can’t believe we are already in 2018. My living arrows participation tailed off towards the end of 2018, a combination of both spending more time on my youtube channel and therefore taking less photos, and also the fact that the run up to Christmas was just crazy busy for us all. This year I’m aiming to participate in both Living Arrows and The Ordinary Moments, as when I was writing up all about our year last year, these posts captured both the special moments that I want to remember, and also the most mundane moments of family life. Again these are the ones I will want to remember when I am old and grey(er than I am now!).

In fairness is hasn’t really slowed down in January. We’ve kicked off our year by attending a Young Voices Choir concert in at the Genting Arena in Birmingham, which Izzie took part in with her school alongside over 6000+ other children.

I wasn’t able to take any photos of her during it, as despite being in amazing seats there were obviously so many other children around, so I am sharing a recent photograph of her instead.

I won’t lie I cried several times over the day of the concert. I got tears in my eyes when I saw her into school in the morning, carrying her backpack stuffed full of her lunch and tea – and a colouring book for the bus obviously. She seemed so grown up yet still so tiny.

The thought of her leaving for Birmingham, which is under two hours away from us for the day gave me a knot in my stomach. No matter how big she gets she will always be my baby. I think the deviating events at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year made me even more on edge – which is just so sad. The thought of all those children in a big arena made me feel a little bit sick.

I didn’t think think e would be able to pick her out amongst all the children but when the parent coach arrived, we realised the children were all sat down eating their packed tea, and Izzies school was near the barriers. Cue my second tears of the day as she was so happy to see us, and we got the biggest cuddle. I’d put her a note in her packed tea telling her how proud I was of her, and she thanked me for it.

Seeing her up on the stage singing also brought tears to my eyes. It really was a wonderful concert and the children were a credit to their teachers and the school, and to us all as parents watching.

I was so glad when she finally stepped off the bus back at school at 11pm. I know that Ell always laughs at me, especially as she is the eldest and will be eight this year, but she will always be my baby, and I am so so proud to be her mum.

You can see who else has linked up with the lovely Donna at What The Redhead Said this week here…

Living Arrows





  1. January 9, 2018 / 7:18 pm

    Oh that must have been amazing for her! What an opportunity.
    Love her hat! x


  2. January 12, 2018 / 7:08 pm

    Oh my gosh you must be so proud. And what an amazing thing to be part of. Love your winter walk photos too – there’s nothing like a bit of fresh air x

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